The Key to Understanding Your Customers

The Gist

  • Evolution of sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis has grown from basic computational linguistics to AI-powered customer insights.
  • Social media’s role. Social platforms introduced real-time sentiment tracking, but API changes have complicated access.
  • AI’s transformative impact. AI tools enable faster, more accurate sentiment analysis for marketers to act decisively on customer insights.

Marketing technology is a rapidly changing world, and marketers are finding themselves considering a variety of methodologies based on that technology all the time. One methodology that has emerged to provide consistent value is sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is used for understanding customer perceptions and experiences. It has been considered for large documentation until social media enhanced where it can be applied.

Now the evolution in sentiment analysis has arrived: the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in uncovering nuanced customer insights. This post will explain how sentiment analysis

Table of Contents

Where Customer Sentiment Got Its Start

Sentiment analysis is a computation process for identifying an overall tone expressed in a given body of text.

Understanding the Basics of Sentiment Analysis

It is a text analysis that relies on a combination of natural language processing and computational linguistics that changes large bodies of sentences and paragraphs into tokens. Tokens are individual words or portions of words. Breaking down the text into words allows them to be categorized against subjective expressions. The process answers what sentiment is expressed within a large document or extensive volume of comments.

The foundation of sentiment analysis has existed since the 1960s.

The Early Days of Computational Linguistics

The analysis emerged among the first attempts at computational linguistics. Early researchers were primarily interested in how computers could interpret subjective language and understand emotional content within a body of text.

Computer processor capacity increased in the 1990s.

How NLP and Computational Power Transformed Sentiment Analysis

The increased computational power granted academic researchers access to more systematic analysis frameworks. More inferential statistical analysis could be applied to tokens to draw more understandable conclusions, while natural language processing (NLP) allowed more sophisticated methods to describe text classifications.

Related Article: Emotion Is the New Metric: The Rise of Sentiment Analysis in Retail

Social Media Brought Real-Time Sentiment Analysis to Marketing

A significant breakthrough came with the rise of web content and social media. 

Real-Time Sentiment Analysis Meets Social Media

The internet introduced real-time sources of text for researchers and companies to investigate — social media posts and their subsequent responses were treated as data to be tokenized. Researchers and analysts shifted focus towards text generated from social media and blog posts. 

Using programming languages like R and Python, analysts learned to import social media text into data, and then enable a program to apply the advanced statistics needed to categorize each word.  

The Role of APIs in Social Media Sentiment Analysis

APIs — portals that connect applications — further made data access convenient.

Analysts could import text data more readily into sentiment analysis programming models.

The digital aspects of sentiment analysis let marketers rapidly analyze the sentiment around the frequency mention of a brand, product or service. The result was advanced sentiment analysis techniques applied to customer reviews, social media feedback and public perception of a brand.

For example, imagine a brand having created a large Twitter community around a hashtag that a marketing team has used for a social media campaign. A marketing analyst would import tweet data through the Twitter API and then examine the sentiment around that hashtag. The analysis could also reveal other phrases that are frequently mentioned, guiding ideas on how to respond to that campaign sentiment. 

Analysis like this enables marketing managers to quickly determine how customers felt about a product, service and decide faster how to best manage customer interest or protect a brand image. 

Related Article: Memorable Marketing Campaigns This Year

Challenges in Social Media Sentiment Analysis After Twitter’s API Changes

The growth of sentiment analysis hit a snag, however, when the most popular platform to analyze comments, Twitter, changed its API access.


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