Online Solar Technology Based Entrepreneurship Development Programme (TEDP)

TEDP 1: 10 May – 6 June 2023 | TEDP 2: 14 June – 12 July 2023
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) with support from the Department of Science and Technology (DST) is organizing a four-week online Technology-based Entrepreneurship Development Programme (TEDP) on Solar technology. The structured programme aims to train the selected trainees on necessary skills and further their knowledge to run a business in solar technologies.
Training Schedule
TERI is conducting the training as per below schedule:
TEDP-1: May 10 – June 06, 2023 (Registration Open)
TEDP-2: 14 June – July 12, 2023 (Registration Open)
About the Programme
Solar Technology-Based Entrepreneurship Development Programme (TEDP) aims to apprise the participants about the intricacies of how to start and manage a solar enterprise. The trainees will also be acquainted with the necessary knowledge and skills to assist in preparing a detailed business plan. The programme provides training on all aspects of entrepreneurship, motivation, and management areas in addition to actual hands-on training in specific technology areas.
This free training programme will be conducted with the help of well-trained experts.
- Bachelors Degree/Diploma in Science/Engineering/Technology
- Age should be between 21-45 years
25-30 trainees will be selected through online registration followed by personal interviews (if required).
Programme Structure
- Entrepreneurship– concept and present scenario
- Identification of business opportunities
- Project identification and opportunity guidance
- Market survey
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
- Role of supporting agencies and schemes
- Role of financial institutions and banks
- Motivation training
- Technical and financial aspects
- Business plan / Project report preparation
- Managerial aspects
- Online experience sharing with entrepreneurs in various fields (solar, waste management, sustainable livelihood)
- The technical aspects of solar technology in terms of designing, analyzing and maintenance of a solar panel
Lecture, interaction, case studies, group exercises, virtual tour experience sharing, and interaction with entrepreneurs.
Expected Outcome
With the structured four weeks training program through experiential and technical expertise, the trainees will be able to conceive the idea of a solar technology-based enterprise, study the feasibility, evaluate the project idea, and various aspects of project implementation.
Target Group
In each TEDP, 30-35 potential entrepreneurs having a degree/diploma in Science and Technology are trained through a structured training programme of 4 weeks duration. Trainees are selected based on the information provided in the google registration form and personal interviews to assess their potential of becoming entrepreneurs. During the training period, participants also get to know the intricacies of how to start and manage an enterprise. At the end of the training programme, they are assisted in preparing a detailed business plan.
Course Fee
It is a free course
Online (through Google Meet Platform)
Click here to register online for
Person in charge-
Ms Reeta Sharma
Programme Coordinator
Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC)
TERI, Darbari Seth Block
IHC Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi – 110003
Tel: 91-11-2468 2100, 2111 or 41504900
Email: [email protected]