Charles Taylor InsureTech, LIMOSS announce partnership

Charles Taylor InsureTech, LIMOSS announce partnership

Charles Taylor InsureTech, LIMOSS announce partnership | Insurance Business UK

Service upgrades in the works

Charles Taylor InsureTech, LIMOSS announce partnership


Terry Gangcuangco

In a move set to bolster the London Market’s delegated authority processes, LIMOSS (London Insurance Market Operations & Strategic Sourcing) and Charles Taylor InsureTech have partnered to deliver Delegated Data Manager (DDM) as an elective market service via LIMOSS starting on September 15.

The collaboration builds on the success of DDM, which has been a cornerstone of delegated authority bordereaux processing in the London Market since 2018. The service has handled billions of pounds in risk, premium, and claims data, becoming an essential tool for managing agents, brokers, and other key market players.

Now, with DDM available as an optional service through LIMOSS, users can continue to benefit from the tried-and-tested solution, which has been designed and developed specifically to meet the unique demands of the London Market. The partnership will ensure that the service continues to evolve, with a focus on improving user experience and operational efficiency.

Planned upgrades for DDM include several new features designed to enhance functionality. These span tools for credit control, bordereaux and transactional reconciliation, aged debt management, and interoperability with external platforms, all aimed at providing comprehensive support for users.

“Our goal is to provide an exceptional market service,” LIMOSS managing director Patrick Molineux declared. “Working closely with Charles Taylor has helped to transform delegated authority business in the London Market, and we look forward to continued collaboration and the competitive development of DDM as an elective service for bordereaux management.”

Charles Taylor InsureTech chief executive Arjun Ramdas (pictured) added: “Charles Taylor is ideally positioned to support LIMOSS and our end clients through this transition. We are delighted to offer DDM as an elective service and that Tide will be the foundation for continued growth and innovation. Our scalable solution ensures that market participants will benefit from proven digital capability and continuity for effective bordereaux management.”

Ramdas also extended his gratitude to LIMOSS and its team for their contributions in advancing DDM to this stage, noting that the next chapter in their partnership would focus on increasing adoption and enhancing user satisfaction across the market.

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